Blood Test play essential role in medical sector. Every doctor’s ethics is that before analyzing any patient deeply or before surgery, they approach patient for blood test so that according to blood report doctors may take right decision regarding screening of patient.
Blood test is the initial stage before doing all kind of surgery and screening in a medical field. Lots of precaution would be taken before starting procedure of blood test.
Experience professional person need to place in pathology department so that they can visualize each and every procedure along with process of blood taking from patient’s body. Most of the time fresher person who appointed for this job get faint by seeing blood. Also, patient having phobia to get scary while seeing needle and injection at the time of this procedure, it is also truth that most patient get faint by seeing blood when blood is taking out from their body. This all situation get handle by only professional person who knows how to handle it, keeping in mind with the hygiene part also. Kit that will use during the blood test should always be hygiene.
Having person bloods tested is a vital part of staying healthy. Previously, we had discussed in article about staying fit and healthy, for this the blood test play an important role. For keeping yourself healthy you should do blood test thrice in a year. As we heard from many great people that “an apple a day keeps a doctor away” just like same “the regular health check-up keeps the diseases away”
Procedure is mention below:-
Getting yourself Comfortable
Phlebotomist should get ready with proper hygienic kit before draw blood and patient should feel comfortable before giving their blood. If patient is not feeling comfort then kindly use a specialist phlebotomy chair that can be adjusted to comfortable position for patient.
Assessing the Vein
Phlebotomist say patient to be on right position, after that they will identify the vein from where blood draw. It is very difficult part to find appropriate vein. They will have a look to see if they can identify the best vein to take the blood from. Once they have found the right vein then they put the tourniquet on to get the blood pressure up.
Preparing the kit and Skin of Patient
After getting ready with their kit, they start to clean that area of skin where they have to insert the needle. All needles are single-use and are kept in a sterile case before use. We connect the needle to a tube with a receiver on the end that accommodates small vacuum bottles.
Diverting Patient Mind is Hard Part
When they prepare to put the needle in then they make sure you’re comfortable and try to distract you a little if necessary. They will encourage patient to look away if patient would prefer. Most patients hardly notice the needle go in and if anything patient will feel a little scratch as it penetrates the skin.
Once the needle is in patient skin shouldn’t feel any further discomfort, but some patients get a little anxious as the blood begins to flow out. As this happens, they change over the bottles to gather all the samples requested by your consultant. Patient can’t feel this happening and it has no impact on the position of the needle in the vein.
After all Task Completed
Slip the needle out and place a piece of sterile gauze over the affected area. Phlebotomist asks you to hold this in place while they make the needle safe before popping a small plaster on your arm. If patient are feeling faint, there’s no rush to get up and leave. Phlebotomist discards the needle and gloves after blood drawn.
On an above we had learned about procedure of blood test, but now we will discuss on some other points related to blood test.
Benefit of Blood Testing:-
Getting annual blood testing benefit’s human to leave healthy life. Annual blood testing is a key component for saving various types of degenerative illness. In medical guide book regular health check-up is one of the most effective ways to keep track for physical well – being.
Help to Diagnose Disease
Blood testing provides complete analysis of internal body mechanism, which help to diagnose diseases and infection. Without this no one can recovery out of diseases because accurate treatment will not place.
Monitoring Internal Body Organ
Due to blood test person come to know about condition of internal body organ. Its help to monitors body organ whether organ is working proper or not.
Blood testing benefit is to analyze organ like – Liver, Kidney, Intestine, Lungs, oral part.
Testing of Blood is Reliable Data for Treatment
Doctors accept this truth that without help of blood report they won’t able to recognize the actual problem in the human body. That’s why before giving any treatment to patient they follow blood testing report and then according to that the treatment gets start.
Help in Checking Hormone Level
Many types of hormone are available in male and female body, to know about all those hormone blood testing is only the source.
Help to Realize Genetic Problem
Most of the patient coming to doctor with unique kind of allergy. Doctor won’t able to analyze that infection. Due to blood testing only doctor and patient come to know that allergy is a genetic problem. Example – skin allergy.
Get to Know About Heart Risk
Blood testing help to know about the heart risk. If patient come to know about heart problem after that only they can take care of it.

What to know about fasting before giving blood sample?
Fasting is necessary for some specific blood test example – Lipid profile, Thyroid profile, Urine Culture, Blood sugar fasting and many more. Fasting is the process in which patient not allow to taking feed for approx. 10 hours before giving blood sample. They may allow, taking only boiled water as much as they need, even no medicine allow during fasting for blood test. During the fasting, period all bacteria are active in our body which supports blood test to give actual result.
Fasting is compulsory before blood test because if you will eat anything before blood test will increase certain substance in blood. So, doctor always warn patient not to drink alcohol, or eat food while giving blood sample for test. Below will get increase.
- Sugar
- Minerals, such as iron
- Cholesterol and other fats
The types of blood test that require fasting are below mentioned:-
Fasting Blood Glucose
These tests help to diagnose sugar in our body. All diabetic patients have to do this test to know the level of sugar present in their body. These tests help people to maintain proper sugar level in a body also indicates that if sugar levels cross their reference point.
It is very important that patient has not had anything to eat or drink another than water for 10 hours before fasting blood glucose test. Fasting helps ensure that the blood test records an accurate measure of fasting blood sugar levels.
Lipid Profile Test
This test related to heart, in which we come to know how our heart is functioning. Lipid profile is a panel of blood test which define us about cholesterol and triglycerides.
Cholesterol is unwanted fatty substance that present in a blood. High cholesterol may increase the risk of heart, means it may cause attack.
Cholesterol define in 3 types:
- HDL – High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
- LDL – Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
HDL is the good cholesterol in our body; it is not harmful to our health. LDL is the bad cholesterol in our body that effect negatively on our heart. LDL is not good for health. Before this lipid profile test person asked not to eat for 10 hours so, that the report will be accurate. If in case person eat any food item then this test is not possible.
GGT Test (Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase)
GGT test related to liver functioning. This test help to diagnose liver disease. Eating does not affect GGT levels, but drinking alcohol and smoking can. Need to avoid taking alcohol and any toxic drink also smoking before this test conduct.
Iron Blood Test
This test helps to identify the condition that is caused by lack of iron which called anemia. Iron blood test help to know the quantity of minerals present in blood. Iron is contained in some types of food and is absorbed very quickly from food into the blood. So, if a person eats food before the iron blood test, the results may show inflated levels of iron.
Therefore, person needs fasting before this test gets conducted. For accurate report doctor warn person not to eat anything before this test.
Some More Test Below That Require Fasting
Basic or comprehensive metabolic tests: Tests for blood sugar, electrolyte balance, and kidney function. Typically, people will be asked to fast for 10 hours before having one of these tests.
Renal function panel: Tests to see how well the kidneys are working. Typically, people are asked to fast for 10 hours before these tests.
Vitamin B12 test: Tests for the levels of the Vitamin B12 in a person’s blood. Typically, people are asked to fast for 8 hours for these tests. They must also let the doctor know what medications they take, as some can interfere with the test.
Tips For Fasting
There is some process that people can do follow when fasting for a blood test. These include:
- Water: It is essential to keep drinking boiled water when a fasting is going on. Water does not affect the results of a blood test. So doctor will not restrict to drink water at the time of fasting.
- Timings: Person has to fast for 10 hours as it is a good thought to work out what is the latest time they can eat or drink before the test. For example, if a person is asked to fast for 12 hours before a blood test at 9 a.m., they should not eat anything after 9 p.m. the night before.
- Medication: It is important for people to keep taking any regular medication while they are fasting unless, they have been told by a doctor to do otherwise.
- Pregnancy: It is usually safe for pregnant women to fast. However, it is a good idea to speak to a doctor before the test and get their advice on the best way to do this safely.
Things We Should Keep in Mind to Avoid Before Blood Test
- Alcohol: Drinking of whisky or wine can also affect blood sugar and fat levels, giving inaccurate results to blood tests that require fasting. If a person is being asked to fast before a blood test, they should avoid drinking alcohol.
- Smoking: Smoking is injurious to health; we usually hear and read everywhere. This affect lot in blood test result. Person should avoid taking smoke 24 hours before conducting test.
- Coffee: this is the only drink which is not dangerous but affect indigestion, so avoid drinking of coffee during fasting it may affect blood test result.
- Chewing gum: Chewing gum, is also restricted because it contains sugar, should be avoided when fasting for a blood test. This is because it can speed up digestion, which can affect results.
- Exercise: Exercise helpful for health but still doctor ask to avoid exercise during fasting for blood test, because it can also speed up digestion and affect results, so people should avoid it for the recommended fasting period.
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