Health check is essential for all members in family once in a year, this is suggested by doctors and WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION).
For necessary step regarding body health prevention you need to do full body check-up. Initial detection of any illness prevent person from future problem. This is truth in India that majority people are not like to do full body check-up because they are not aware of benefit and also, they think it is waste of money behind health check-up without any doctor prescription. Early detection gives you the best chance for getting the right treatment quickly, avoiding any complications.
Health check always proved to be the smartest way to save from extensive surgery that might be required in case of an undiagnosed disease.
What is Full Body Health Checkup?
Full body health checkup may define as the prior diagnostic scan of your complete body including all organs to assess your current status of health and screen you to make you warn if any abnormalities inside your body. It helps to warn you before it take a dangerous shape, if there are any symptoms of fatal diseases like cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, digestive Diseases, etc.
Every male & female should choose for whole body check-up at least once in a year to know about their health and if they are suffering from any health problem. It can help all to develop good life-style.
Why Full Body Health Checkup is Important?
Now we can go through the benefits of full body check-up as below :
- To judge your fitness, it is very important to do a whole body screening, which makes you understand how fit you are.
- Whole body health check-up is recommended for everyone above 25 years of age. In current scenario maximum youth under 30 age start consuming drugs and tobaccos so, it is important to go for full body checkup.
- It is importance especially in critical and dangerous diseases like cancer, where an early diagnosis could help us to prevent or manage the disease and improve the patient’s life span.
- A full body screening should be on top priority in instances of: History of a pre-existing disease, Family history’s illness.
- Anyone in family member whose life style is an unhealthy and hectic then that person should have to do whole body check-up once in a year and it is very important.
- Complete body check-up help to reduce over medical service cost.
We are surviving in very stressful and fast life-style. This is in conclusion, resulted in a very high incidence of stress-induced health issues like heart diseases, asthma, diabetes, headache, depression, etc. Hence, it is advisable that you get your full body checked in a year to prevent from any disease.
Today increasing pollution in our cities and varieties of junk food in market, give challenge to our health by effect on immunity of body.
By keeping in mind all above, we are introducing full body health checkup test with all important profiles and parameters at a affordable price.
The following are the tests that are performed in full body health checkup:
- Vitamin D3 (25-OH)
- Vitamin B12
- Lipid Profile – 9
- Liver Function Profile – 12
- Kidney Function Test – 6
- complete blood count – 24
- Thyroid Profile – 3
- Diabetic Profile – 4
- Urine Routine – 20
- Electrolyte Profile – 4
- Iron Profile – 5