Before sharing thought on the above topic, we should know about digitization.
Digitization defines as all those processes in which the manual task covert to the digital form. Means the work that performs by the help of man-power through hand book will convert to the online process. In this new era maximum segments like – manufacturing, mining, textile, education, hospitals, healthcare, etc had accepted digitization in their working process. For transforming your process from manual to the digital world, you require support of an internet and computer system. Along with this the most important to use application like – ERP (enterprise resource planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) that develop for bringing all organization process on online.
Importance of digitization has been well understood to entire organization that how much it is helpful to us. There was the time when healthcare systems were facing many challenges in handling patient requirement. With advancements in software and server security, healthcare can now fully take advantage of digitization. We know that data security is the most important part for every segment but previously most organization doesn’t have a knowledge in field of digital, they think that data is not secured after being on online process. This agenda got change when people start aware of using digital technologies.
It should be realized that healthcare is a trillion dollar industry spread over hospital care, clinical services, nursing homes, home healthcare, medications, research and development, and if they take advantage on such advancements mixed with proper marketing, it can double, or even triple the amount they’re getting.
Increasing Digitization cause more Humanity in Healthcare
Best way to increase digitization will also increase the sense of humanity around healthcare to better address patient and clinician needs. It helps to accumulate huge data base of patient easily. Now day’s population is on increasing mode in our country, and numbers of patient were increases as per healthcare record. So, digital processes serve great solution for healthcare segment to manage patient records.
Healthcare Must Fill Big Data Gaps
Most of the data that’s generated in healthcare is about the administrative overhead of healthcare not about the current state of patients’ health and well-being. On average, healthcare collects data from patients three times per year. To optimize diagnoses and treatments, predict health risks, and develop long-term care plans, clinicians need whole-patient data that provide a comprehensive picture of daily health and circumstances as well as healthcare encounters beyond the acute-care setting (e.g., primary care providers and specialists).
Innovations will hold Patients at the Center of the Data Ecosystem
Health tracking innovations, such as biosensors individuals can wear at all times, will eventually give patients more health data and AI-driven insights than health systems will have, empowering patients in the decision-making process.

Data Assets Prepare Road Map for Healthcare
Below are some points that define the different source of data that accumulated in healthcare and great source for managing patient in more efficient way.
- Consumer data
- Socio economic data
- Genomics data
- Epigenetic data
- Patient reported outcome data
- Claim data
Few decade back digitization was not in action in healthcare sector, due to which doctors and management team of hospitals was facing a lot of problem. This is the best opportunity in recent decade that digitization make doctors and patient easier to track their past data regarding health. We mention some point that show how much benefit is digitization for healthcare.
Benefit of Digitization in Healthcare
- Improving diagnosis of patient
- More convenient delivery of reports
- Advancing personalized care in treatment
- Advancing access to healthcare services is increase outcome
- Improve drug discovery and all research in healthcare sector
- Positive impact on financial sector and value of healthcare
- Streamlining healthcare services